
Arthur Samungure

  • 0163 Centurion, Afrique du Sud

Profil de compétences

  • Secteurs
    • Événement & Concert
    • Postproduction
    • Studio
  • Métiers
    • Caméraman / Cadreur(euse)
    • Monteur(euse) Vidéo
    • Photographe de plateau
    • Photographe d'évènements
    • Vision Mixer
    • 1er Assistant(e) Réalisateur(trice)


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Aucune recommandation pour le moment.


  • Anglais


I am seasoned professional, with a combination of unique skills and competencies which I have developed through over the years in my career largely in South Africa. I have honed camera operating and editing skills while being proficient in conceptualizing creative ideas. In my previous roles, I have contributed to organizational improvements, collaborative team efforts and attainment of great results. I offer live production directing capabilities that is required in a live event set up. I am team player and  lam always willing to learn from others. 


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