Crew Profile

Olivier RONOT


  • 75013 Paris, France

Skills Profile

  • Sectors
    • Events & Live music
    • Performing arts
    • TV & Media
    • Post-production
  • Roles
    • Cameraman
    • Editor
    • Director
  • Hardwares
    • Panasonic
  • Softwares
    • Final Cut
    • Adobe After Effect
    • Adobe Photoshop
    • DaVinci Resolve
  • Driving Licenses
    • B


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  • English


Réalisateur mode, publicité et voyages.
Olivier Ronot a sa manière unique et délicate de filmer les femmes en laissant venir l'émotion. L'importance absolue qu'il attache au traitement cinématographique de ses images reflétant à la fois la beauté du corps et des âmes. L'attention particulière qu'il porte toujours aux détails, aux visages, aux silhouettes, aux corps, aux objets, aux humeurs, aux matières, à la fluidité jusque dans la puissance graphique, sensuelle et sensorielle de leur performance. Autant la capacité de provoquer une véritable libération intime et originale dans chacun des portraits qu'il réalise.

Fashion and travel Director, Olivier has worked on several luxury and highstreet advertising videos.
He’s also known as a Fashion Weeks footage specialist and city movies’director.
Olivier Ronot has his unique and delicate way of filming women by letting the emotion come. The absolute importance he attaches to the cinematographic treatment of his images reflecting both the beauty of the body and souls. The special attention he always gives to details, faces, silhouettes, bodies, objects, moods, materials, fluidity even in the graphic, sensual and sensory power of their performance. As much as the ability to bring about a true, intimate, original liberation in each of the portraits he creates.

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