
Alcons Audio

  • 95018 Felton, United States
  • Marque / Distributeur

Secteurs d’activité

  • Événement & Concert
  • Théâtre & Spectacle vivant
  • TV & Médias
  • Postproduction
  • Studio
  • Intégration & Installation fixe


Alcons Audio is a Dutch manufacturer of high-end professional sound systems. Whether it’s Broadway musicals, performing arts theatres, corporate AV, cinemas or dance clubs and music venues, Alcons is setting new standards for excellence in sound reproduction. Its proprietary, multiple-patented pro-ribbon transducer technology has gained popularity in the pro-audio market, due to fast-transient response, accurate sound reproduction, exceptional clarity, intelligibility and throw. Alcons pro-ribbon drivers feature up to 90% less distortion and do not have a “compression threshold” which allows for tonal balance at all sound pressure levels and the flat-response offers maximum “gain-before-feedback” even in the most critical circumstances.

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